# Pagination Settings API

# 1. Summary

This specification describes the customizable options for the pagination settings.

# 2. Motivation

Despite the default values that work out-of-the-box for most users, some need to go further in customization.

This settings will host the parameters to configure the paging behavior for an index.

# 3. Functional Specification

# 3.1. pagination API resource definition

Field Type Required
maxTotalHits Integer False

# 3.1.1. maxTotalHits

  • Type: Integer
  • Required: False
  • Default: 1000

Define the maximum number of documents reachable for a search request.

e.g. It means that with the default value of 1000, it is not possible to see the 1001st result for a search query.

The value of 1000 ensures good performance and prevents malicious users from scraping documents from a Meilisearch instance.

Increasing this value can degrade performance as well as expose the data of an instance to scrapping.

# 3.2. API Endpoints Definition

# 3.2.1. Global Settings API Endpoints Definition

pagination is a sub-resource of /indexes/:index_uid/settings.

See Settings API.

# 3.2.2. indexes/:index_uid/settings/pagination

Manage the pagination configuration for an index.

# GET - indexes/:index_uid/settings/pagination

Allow fetching the current definition of the pagination setting for an index.

200 - Response body

        "maxTotalHits": 1000

All properties must be returned when the resource is retrieved.

# Errors
  • 🔴 Sending an invalid index uid format for the :index_uid path parameter returns an invalid_index_uid error.
  • 🔴 If the index does not exist, the API returns an index_not_found error.

# PATCH - indexes/:index_uid/settings/pagination

Allow customizing partially the settings of the pagination for an index.

Request payload

    "maxTotalHits": 500

202 Accepted - Example Response

    "uid": 42,
    "indexUid": "books",
    "status": "enqueued",
    "type": "settingsUpdate",
    "enqueuedAt": "2022-03-01T18:39:29.228155Z"
# Response Definition

When the request is successful, Meilisearch returns the HTTP code 202 Accepted. The response's content is the summarized representation of the received asynchronous task.

See Summarized task Object for 202 Accepted.

# Errors
# Async Errors

Otherwise, Meilisearch will create the index in a lazy way. See Lazy Index Creation.

# Lazy Index Creation

If the requested index_uid does not exist, and the authorization layer allows it (See Async Errors), Meilisearch will create the index when the related asynchronous task resource is executed. See Response Definition.

# DELETE- indexes/:index_uid/settings/pagination

Allow resetting the pagination setting to the default for an index.

# Response Definition

When the request is in a successful state, Meilisearch returns the HTTP code 202 Accepted. The response's content is the summarized representation of the received asynchronous task.

See Summarized task Object for 202 Accepted.

# Errors
  • 🔴 Sending an invalid index uid format for the :index_uid path parameter returns an invalid_index_uid error.
# Asynchronous Index Not Found Error

# 3.2.3. General Errors

These errors apply to all endpoints described here.

# Auth Errors

The auth layer can return the following errors if Meilisearch is secured (a master-key is defined).

  • 🔴 Accessing this route without the Authorization header returns a missing_authorization_header error.
  • 🔴 Accessing this route with a key that does not have permissions (i.e. other than the master-key) returns an invalid_api_key error.

# 2. Technical Details


# 3. Future Possibilities

  • Introduces parameters regarding the pagination.