# Displayed Attributes Setting API

# 1. Summary

This specification describes the displayedAttributes setting API endpoints.

# 2. Motivation


# 3. Functional Specification

# 3.1. Explanations

Documents in Meilisearch are composed of multiple fields.

When a search query is performed, the fields whose attributes are added to the displayedAttributes list are displayable in each matching document.

By default, all document fields are set as displayable.

Therefore, if a document field is not in the displayedAttributes list, the field won't be added to the returned documents in the hits array for a search query.

# 3.1.1. Usage Example

Suppose a database of movies with the following fields: id, overview, genres, title, release_date. Some of these fields are more useful to be displayed than others. To make the id and genres fields non-displayed, it can be specified in the following way.

Request payload PUT- /indexes/movies/settings/displayed-attributes

["title", "overview"]

# 3.2. Global Settings API Endpoints Definition

displayedAttributes is a sub-resource of /indexes/:index_uid/settings.

See Settings API.

# 3.3. API Endpoints Definition

Manipulate the displayedAttributes setting of a Meilisearch index.

# 3.3.1. GET - indexes/:index_uid/settings/displayed-attributes

Fetch the displayedAttributes setting of a Meilisearch index.

# Response Definition
  • Type: Array of String
  • Default: ["*"]
# Errors
  • 🔴 Sending an invalid index uid format for the :index_uid path parameter returns an invalid_index_uid error.
  • 🔴 If the requested index_uid does not exist, the API returns an index_not_found error.

# 3.3.2. PUT - indexes/:index_uid/settings/displayed-attributes

Modify the displayedAttributes setting of a Meilisearch index.

# Request Payload Definition
  • Type: Array of String / null

Setting null is equivalent to using the 3.3.3. DELETE - indexes/:index_uid/settings/displayed-attributes API endpoint.

Specifying a document attribute that does not exist as a displayedAttributes index setting returns no error.

Specifying [] for the displayedAttributes index setting allows to specify that all fields are non-displayable.

# Response Definition

When the request is successful, Meilisearch returns the HTTP code 202 Accepted. The response's content is the summarized representation of the received asynchronous task.

See Summarized task Object for 202 Accepted.

# Errors
# Async Errors

Otherwise, Meilisearch will create the index in a lazy way. See Lazy Index Creation.

# Lazy Index Creation

If the requested index_uid does not exist, and the authorization layer allows it (See Async Errors), Meilisearch will create the index when the related asynchronous task resource is executed. See Response Definition.

# 3.3.3. DELETE - indexes/:index_uid/settings/displayed-attributes

Reset the displayedAttributes setting of a Meilisearch index to the default value ["*"].

# Response Definition

When the request is in a successful state, Meilisearch returns the HTTP code 202 Accepted. The response's content is the summarized representation of the received asynchronous task.

See Summarized task Object for 202 Accepted.

# Errors
  • 🔴 Sending an invalid index uid format for the :index_uid path parameter returns an invalid_index_uid error.
# Asynchronous Index Not Found Error

# 3.3.4. General Errors

These errors apply to all endpoints described here.

# Auth Errors

The auth layer can return the following errors if Meilisearch is secured (a master-key is defined).

  • 🔴 Accessing this route without the Authorization header returns a missing_authorization_header error.
  • 🔴 Accessing this route with a key that does not have permissions (i.e. other than the master-key) returns an invalid_api_key error.

# 4. Technical Details


# 5. Future Possibilities

  • Return an error when displayedAttributes is defined as an empty array