# Indexing CSV

# 1. Functional Specification

# I. Summary

To index documents, the body of the add documents request has to match a specific format. That specific format is then parsed and tokenized inside Meilisearch. After which, the documents added are in the pool of searchable and returnable documents.

A CSV (opens new window) data format is broadly used to store and exchange data in a simple format.

Also, in order to boost write performance CSV data format is more suited than JSON for consequent datasets, as keys are not duplicated for every document.

# Summary Key Points

  • The header of the csv payload allows to name the attributes and type them.
  • text/csv Content-Type header is now supported.
  • A new query parameter, csvDelimiter, has been introduced to customize the csv delimiter used in the document. It can change between two documentAddition.
  • The error cases have been strengthened and completed. See Errors part.

# II. Motivation

We want to provide our users with an always improved usage experience. Currently, the engine only accepts JSON format as a data source. We want to give users the possibility of another simple data format, well known, to use. Thus, give them more versatility at the data source choices for the indexing (add and update) step.

Since most SQL engines or SQL clients can easily dump data as CSV, it will facilitate Meilisearch adoption by extending the indexing step on a wider range of customer cases than before.

Writing performance is also considered as a motivation since CSV parsing is less CPU and memory intensive than parsing Json due to the streamable capability of the CSV format.

# III.Explanation

# CSV Formatting Rules

While there's RFC 4180 (opens new window) as a try to add a specification for CSV format, we will find a lot of variations from that. Meilisearch features capabilities requires CSV data to be formatted the proper way to be parsable by the engine.

  • CSV data format needs to contain a first line representing the list of attributes with the optionally chosen type separated from the attribute name by : character. The type is case insensitive.

An attribute can be specificed with three types: string, boolean or number. A missing type will be interpreted as a string by default.

Valid headline example: "id:number","title:string","author","price:number","cute:boolean"

  • The following CSV lines will represent a document for Meilisearch.
  • A , character must separate each cell.
  • A CSV value should be enclosed in double-quotes when it contains the delimiter character or a newline to escape it.
  • Using double-quotes to enclose fields, then a double-quote appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with another double quote as mentioned in RFC 4180 (opens new window).
  • Float value should be written with a . character, like 3.14.
  • CSV text should be encoded in UTF8.
  • The format can't handle array cell values. We are providing nd-json format to deal with theses types of attribute in a easier way.
  • A csvDelimiter query parameter is available to customize the delimiter used in the documents.
    • This csvDelimiter is optional. By default, the , character is used.
    • The separator must be one ascii char (opens new window).
    • The separator can't be used with another Content-Type, or else it'll throw an error.
# null value
  • If a field is of type string, then an empty cell is considered as a null value (e.g. ,,), anything else is turned into a string value (e.g. , , is a single whitespace string)
  • If a field is of type number, when the trimmed field is empty, it's considered as a null value (e.g. ,, , ,); otherwise, Meilisearch tries to parse the number.
  • If a field is of type boolean, when the trimmed field is empty, it's considered as a null value (e.g. ,, , ,); otherwise, Meilisearch tries to parse the boolean as either true or false.
# Example with a comma inside a cell

Given the CSV payload

"1","t-shirt","4.99","red","Thus, you will rock at summer time.","false"

the search result should be displayed as

  "hits": [
      "id": 1,
      "label": "t-shirt",
      "price": 4.99,
      "colors": "red",
      "description": "Thus, you will rock at summer time.",
      "contains_a_dog_picture": false
# Example with a double quote inside a cell

Given the CSV payload

"1","t-shirt","4.99","red","Hey, you will ""rock"" at summer time."

the search result should be displayed as

  "hits": [
      "id": 1,
      "label": "t-shirt",
      "price": "4.99",
      "colors": "red",
      "description": "Hey, you will rock at summer time.",

Note that the price attribute was not typed as a number. By default, Meilisearch type it as a string.

# Example with an empty cell

Given the CSV payload


the search result should be displayed as

  "hits": [
      "id": 1,
      "label": "t-shirt",
      "price": null,
      "colors": "red"

# API Endpoints

Each API endpoints mentioned above will now require a text/csv as Content-Type header to be processed as CSV data.

As a developer, I want to upload a CSV payload of documents so that end-user can search them

POST documents /indexes/:indexUid/documents

curl \
  -X POST 'http://localhost:7700/indexes/movies/documents' \
  -H 'Content-Type: text/csv' \
  --data--binary '
    "1","hoodie","19.99","purple","Hey, you will rock at summer time."

202 Accepted - Response

PUT documents /indexes/:indexUid/documents

curl \
  -X PUT 'http://localhost:7700/indexes/movies/documents' \
  -H 'Content-Type: text/csv' \
  --data-binary '
    "1","hoodie","19.99","purple","Hey, you will rock at summer time."

202 Accepted - Response

# Errors
  • 🔴 Omitted Content-Type header will lead to a 415 Unsupported Media Type - missing_content_type error code.
  • 🔴 Sending an empty Content-Type will lead to a 415 Unsupported Media Type - invalid_content_type error code.
  • 🔴 Sending a different Content-Type than application/json, application/x-ndjson or text/csv will lead to 415 Unsupported Media Type invalid_content_type error code.
  • 🔴 Sending an empty payload will lead to a 400 Bad Request - missing_payload error code.
  • 🔴 Sending a different payload type than the Content-Type header should return a 400 Bad Request - malformed_payload error code.
  • 🔴 Sending a payload excessing the limit will lead to a 413 Payload Too Large - payload_too_large error code.
  • 🔴 Sending an invalid CSV format will lead to a 400 bad_request - malformed_payload error code.
  • 🔴 Sending a CSV header that does not conform to the specification will lead to a 400 bad_request - malformed_payload error code.
  • 🔴 Sending an invalid csv delimiter: not exactly one ASCII char. This will lead to a 400 bad_request - invalid_document_csv_delimiter error code.
  • 🔴 Sending a CSV cell with the type number or boolean that can't be parsed will lead to a 400 bad_request - malformed_payload error code.
# Errors Definition

# missing_content_type

# Context

This error occurs when the Content-Type header is missing.

# Error Definition

HTTP Code: 415 Unsupported Media Type

    "message": "A Content-Type header is missing. Accepted values for Content-Type are: :contentTypeList",
    "code": "missing_content_type",
    "type": "invalid_request",
    "link": "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_content_type"
  • The :contentTypeList is inferred when the message is generated. The values are separated by a , char. e.g. application/json, text/csv.

# invalid_content_type

# Context

This error occurs when the provided content-type is not handled by the API method.

# Error Definition

HTTP Code: 415 Unsupported Media Type

    "message": "The Content-Type :contentType is invalid. Accepted values for Content-Type are: :contentTypeList",
    "code": "invalid_content_type",
    "type": "invalid_request",
    "link": "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#invalid_content_type"
  • The :contentTypeList is inferred when the message is generated. The values are separated by a , char. e.g. application/json, text/csv.

# missing_payload

# Context

This error occurs when the client does not provide a mandatory payload to the request.

# Error Definition

HTTP Code: 400 Bad Request

    "message": "A :payloadType payload is missing.",
    "code": "missing_payload",
    "type": "invalid_request",
    "link": "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_payload"
  • The :payloadType is inferred when the message is generated. e.g. json, ndjson, csv

# malformed_payload

# Context

This error occurs when the format sent in the payload is malformed. The payload contains a syntax error.

# Error Definition

HTTP Code: 400 Bad Request

    "message": "The :payloadType payload provided is malformed. :syntaxErrorHelper.",
    "code": "malformed_payload",
    "type": "invalid_request",
    "link": "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#malformed_payload"
  • The :payloadType is inferred when the message is generated. e.g. json, ndjson, csv
  • The :syntaxErrorHelper is inferred when the message is generated.

# 2. Technical details


# 3. Future possibilities

  • Provide an interface in the future dashboard to upload CSV data into an index and optionally provide the headers types.
  • Set a payload limit directly related to the type of data format. Currently, the payload size is equivalent to JSON payload size (opens new window). Metrics on feature usage and configuration update should help to choose a better suited value for this type of data format.