# Anonymous Analytics Policy

# 1. Functional Specification

# I. Summary

This specification describes an exhaustive list of anonymous metrics collected by the MeiliSearch binary. It also describes the tools we use for this collection and how we identify a Meilisearch instance.

# II. Motivation

At MeiliSearch, our vision is to provide an easy-to-use search solution that meets the essential needs of our users. At all times, we strive to understand our users better and meet their expectations in the best possible way.

Although we can gather needs and understand our users through several channels such as Github, Slack, surveys, interviews or roadmap votes, we realize that this is not enough to have a complete view of MeiliSearch usage and features adoption. By cross-referencing our product discovery phases with aggregated quantitative data, we want to make the product much better than what it is today. Our decision-making will be taken a step further to make a product that users love.

# III. Explanation

# General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The metrics collected are non-sensitive, non-personal and do not identify an individual or a group of individuals using MeiliSearch. The data collected is secured and anonymized. We do not collect any data from the values stored in the documents.

We, the MeiliSearch team, provide an email address so that users can request the removal of their data: [email protected].
Thanks to the unique identifier generated for their MeiliSearch installation (Instance UID when launching MeiliSearch), we can remove the corresponding data from all the tools we describe below. Any questions regarding the management of the data collected can be sent to the email address as well.

# Tools

# Segment

The collected data is sent to Segment (opens new window). Segment is a platform for data collection and provides data management tools.

# Amplitude

Amplitude (opens new window) is a tool for graphing and highlighting collected data. Segment feeds Amplitude so that we can build visualizations according to our needs.

# Events table

Event name Description
Launched Occurs when MeiliSearch is launched the first time.
Documents Searched POST Aggregated event on all received requests via the POST - indexes/:indexUid/search route during one hour or until a batch size reaches 500Kb.
Documents Searched GET Aggregated event on all received requests via the GET - /indexes/:indexUid/search route during one hour or until a batch size reaches 500Kb.
Facet Searched POST Aggregated event on all received requests via the POST - /indexes/:indexUid/facet-search route during one hour or until a batch size reaches 500Kb.
Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST Aggregated event on all received requests via the POST- /multi-search route during one hour or until a batch size reaches 500Kb.
Documents Added Aggregated event on all received requests via the POST - /indexes/:indexUid/documents route during one hour or until a batch size reaches 500Kb.
Documents Updated Aggregated event on all received requests via the PUT - /indexes/:indexUid/documents route during one hour or until a batch size reaches 500Kb.
Documents Fetched GET Aggregated event on all received requests via the GET - /indexes/:indexUid/documents or GET - /indexes/:indexUid/documents/:doc_id routes during one hour or until a batch size reaches 500Kb.
Documents Fetched POST Aggregated event on all received requests via the POST - /indexes/:indexUid/documents/fetch routes during one hour or until a batch size reaches 500Kb.
Documents Deleted Aggregated event on all received requests via the DELETE - /indexes/:indexUid/documents, DELETE - /indexes/:indexUid/documents/:documentId, POST - indexes/:indexUid/documents/delete-batch, and POST - indexes/:indexUid/documents/delete routes during one hour or until a batch size reaches 500Kb.
Index Created Occurs when an index is created via POST - /indexes.
Index Updated Occurs when an index is updated via PUT - /indexes/:indexUid.
Indexes Swapped Occurs when indexes are swapped via POST - /swap-indexes.
Settings Updated Occurs when the settings are updated via POST - /indexes/:indexUid/settings.
SearchableAttributes Updated Occurs when searchable attributes are updated via POST - /indexes/:indexUid/settings/searchable-attributes.
RankingRules Updated Occurs when ranking rules are updated via POST - /indexes/:indexUid/settings/ranking-rules.
FilterableAttributes Updated Occurs when filterable attributes are updated via POST - /indexes/:indexUid/settings/filterable-attributes.
SortableAttributes Updated Occurs when sortable attributes are updated via POST - /indexes/:indexUid/settings/sortable-attributes.
TypoTolerance Updated Occurs when typo tolerance settings are updated via POST - /indexes/:indexUid/settings/typo-tolerance.
Pagination Updated Occurs when pagination settings are updated via PATCH/indexes/:indexUid/settings/pagination.
Faceting Updated Occurs when faceting settings are updated via PATCH/indexes/:indexUid/settings/faceting.
DistinctAttribute Updated Occurs when distinct attribute setting is updated via PUT/indexes/:indexUid/settings/distinct-attribute.
ProximityPrecision Updated Occurs when proximity precision setting is updated via PUT/indexes/:indexUid/settings/proximity-precision.
DisplayedAttributes Updated Occurs when displayed attributes are updated via PUT/indexes/:indexUid/settings/displayed-attributes.
StopWords Updated Occurs when stop words are updated via PUT/indexes/:indexUid/settings/stop-words.
SeparatorTokens Updated Occurs when separator tokens are updated via PUT/indexes/:indexUid/settings/separator-tokens.
NonSeparatorTokens Updated Occurs when non separator tokens are updated via PUT/indexes/:indexUid/settings/non-separator-tokens.
Synonyms Updated Occurs when synonyms are updated via PUT/indexes/:indexUid/settings/synonyms.
Dump Created Occurs when a dump is created via POST - /dumps.
Snapshot Created Occurs when a snapshot is created via POST - /snapshots.
Tasks Canceled Occurs when tasks are requested to be canceled via POST - /tasks/cancel.
Tasks Deleted Occurs when tasks are requested to be deleted via DELETE- /tasks.
Tasks Seen Aggregated event on all received requests via the GET - /tasks route during one hour or until a batch size reaches 500Kb.
Stats Seen Occurs when stats are fetched via GET - /stats or /indexes/:indexUid/stats.
Health Seen Aggregated event on all received requests via the GET - /health route during one hour or until a batch size reaches 500Kb.
Version Seen Occurs when GET - /version is fetched.
Experimental features Seen Occurs when GET - /experimental-features is fetched.
Experimental features Updated Occurs when experimental features are updated via PATCH - /experimental-features

# Summarized Metrics/Events table

Metric name Description Example Triggered by
context.app.version MeiliSearch version number 0.23.0 Every hour
infos.env MeiliSearch env production Every hour
infos.db_path true if --db-path/MEILI_DB_PATH is specified, otherwise false true Every Hour
infos.import_dump true if --import-dump is specified, otherwise false true Every Hour
infos.dump_dir true if --dump-dir/MEILI_DUMP_DIR is specified, otherwise false true Every Hour
infos.ignore_missing_dump true if --ignore-missing-dump is specified to true, otherwise false true Every Hour
infos.ignore_dump_if_db_exists true if --ignore-dump-if-db-exists is specified to true, otherwise false true Every Hour
infos.import_snapshot true if --import-snapshot is specified, otherwise false true Every Hour
infos.schedule_snapshot Value of --schedule_snapshot/MEILI_SCHEDULE_SNAPSHOT if scheduled snapshots are enabled, otherwise None 86400 Every hour
infos.snapshot_dir true if --snapshot-dir/MEILI_SNAPSHOT_DIR is specified to true, otherwise false true Every Hour
infos.ignore_missing_snapshot true if --ignore_missing_snapshot is specified to true, otherwise false true Every Hour
infos.ignore_snapshot_if_db_exists true if --ignore_snapshot_if_db_exists is specified to true, otherwise false true Every Hour
infos.http_addr true if --http-addr/MEILI_HTTP_ADDR is specified, otherwise false true Every Hour
infos.http_payload_size_limit Value of --http-payload-size-limit/MEILI_HTTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT in bytes 336042103 Every Hour
infos.log_level Value of --log-level/MEILI_LOG_LEVEL debug Every Hour
infos.max_indexing_memory Value of --max-indexing-memory/MEILI_MAX_INDEXING_MEMORY in bytes 336042103 Every Hour
infos.max_indexing_threads Value of --max-indexing-threads/MEILI_MAX_INDEXING_THREADS in integer 4 Every Hour
infos.ssl_auth_path true if --ssl-auth-path/MEILI_SSL_AUTH_PATH is specified, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.ssl_cert_path true if --ssl-cert-path/MEILI_SSL_CERT_PATH is specified, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.ssl_key_path true if --ssl-key-path/MEILI_SSL_KEY_PATH is specified, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.ssl_ocsp_path true if --ssl-ocsp-path/MEILI_SSL_OCSP_PATH is specified, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.ssl_require_auth Value of --ssl-require-auth/MEILI_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTH as a boolean false Every Hour
infos.ssl_resumption true if --ssl-resumption/MEILI_SSL_RESUMPTION is specified, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.ssl_tickets true if --ssl-tickets/MEILI_SSL_TICKETS is specified, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.with_configuration_file true if the instance is launched with a configuration file, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.task_queue_webhook true if the instance is launched with a task queue webhook, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.experimental_enable_metrics true if --experimental-enable-metrics/MEILI_EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_METRICS is specified at launch, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.experimental_replication_parameters true if --experimental-replication-parameters/MEILI_EXPERIMENTAL_REPLICATION_PARAMETERS is specified at launch, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.experimental_logs_mode human or json depending on the value specified. human Every Hour
infos.experimental_enable_logs_route true if --experimental-enable-logs-route/MEILI_EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_LOGS_ROUTE is specified at launch, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.experimental_reduce_indexing_memory_usage true if --experimental-reduce-indexing-memory-usage/MEILI_EXPERIMENTAL_REDUCE_INDEXING_MEMORY_USAGE is specified at launch, otherwise false false Every Hour
infos.gpu_enabled true if Meilisearch was compiled with CUDA support, otherwise false false Every Hour
system.distribution Distribution on which MeiliSearch is launched Arch Linux Every hour
system.kernel_version Kernel version on which MeiliSearch is launched 5.14.10 Every hour
system.cores Number of cores 24 Every hour
system.ram_size Total RAM capacity. Expressed in KB 16777216 Every hour
system.disk_size Total capacity of the largest disk. Expressed in Bytes 1048576000 Every hour
system.server_prodiver Users can tell us on which provider MeiliSearch is hosted by filling the MEILI_SERVER_PROVIDER env var. This is also filled by our cloud deploy scripts, e.g. GCP cloud-config.yaml (opens new window) gcp Every hour
stats.database_size Database size. Expressed in Bytes 2621440 Every hour
stats.indexes_number Number of indexes 2 Every hour
start_since_days Number of days since instance was launched 365 Every hour
user_agent User-agent header encountered during one or more API calls ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"] Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET, Index Created, Index Updated, Documents Added, Documents Updated, Documents Deleted, Settings Updated, Ranking Rules Updated, SortableAttributes Updated, FilterableAttributes Updated, SearchableAttributes Updated, TypoTolerance Updated, Pagination Updated, Faceting Updated, DistinctAttribute Updated, DisplayedAttributes Updated, StopWords Updated, Synonyms Updated, Dump Created, Snapshot Created, Tasks Seen, Stats Seen, Health Seen, Version Seen, Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST, Experimental features Seen, Experimental features Updated
requests.99th_response_time Highest latency from among the fastest 99% of successful search requests 57ms Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
requests.total_succeeded Total number of successful requests in this batch 3456 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET, Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST
requests.total_failed Total number of failed requests in this batch 24 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET, Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST
requests.total_received Total number of received requests in this batch 3480 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET, Documents Deleted, Documents Fetched GET, Documents Fetched POST, Health Seen, Tasks Seen, Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST
sort.with_geoPoint true if the sort rule _geoPoint was used in this batch, otherwise false true Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
sort.avg_criteria_number Average number of sort criteria among all requests containing the sort parameter in this batch 2 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
filter.with_geoRadius true if the filter rule _geoRadius was used in this batch, otherwise false false Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
filter.with_geoBoundingBox true if the filter rule _geoBoundingBox was used in this batch, otherwise false false Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
filter.most_used_syntax Most used filter syntax among all requests containing the filter parameter in this batch string Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
attributes_to_search_on.total_number_of_uses Total number of queries where attributesToSearchOn is set 5 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
q.max_terms_number Highest number of terms given for the q parameter in this batch 5 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
vector.max_vector_size Highest number of dimensions given for the vector parameter in this batch 1536 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET, Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST
pagination.max_limit Highest value given for the limit parameter in this batch 60 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET, Documents Fetched GET, Documents Fetched POST
pagination.max_offset Highest value given for the offset parameter in this batch 1000 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET, Documents Fetched GET, Documents Fetched POST
pagination.most_used_navigation Most used search results navigation among all search requests in this batch. estimated / exhaustive estimated Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
formatting.max_attributes_to_retrieve The maximum number of attributes to retrieve encountered among all requests in this batch. 100 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
formatting.max_attributes_to_highlight The maximum number of attributes to highlight encountered among all requests in this batch. 100 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
formatting.highlight_pre_tag true if highlightPreTag was used in this batch, otherwise false false Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
formatting.highlight_post_tag true if highlightPostTag was used in this batch, otherwise false false Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
formatting.max_attributes_to_crop The maximum number of attributes to crop encountered among all requests in this batch. 100 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
formatting.crop_length true if cropLength was used in this batch, otherwise false false Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
formatting.crop_marker true if cropMarker was used in this batch, otherwise false false Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
formatting.show_matches_position true if showMatchesPosition was used in this batch, otherwise false false Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
facets.avg_facets_number The average number of facets among all the requests containing the facets parameter in this batch. "facets": [] equals to 0 while not sending facets does not influence the average in the aggregated event. 10 Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
primary_key Value given for the primaryKey parameter if used, otherwise null id Index Created, Index Updated, Documents Added, Documents Updated
payload_type All payload_type encountered in this batch ["application/json", "text/plain", "application/x-ndjson"] Documents Added, Documents Updated
index_creation true if a document addition or update request triggered index creation in this batch, otherwise false true Documents Added, Documents Updated
ranking_rules.words_position Position of the words ranking rule if any, otherwise null 1 Settings Updated, Ranking Rules Updated
ranking_rules.typo_position Position of the typo ranking rule if any, otherwise null 2 Settings Updated, Ranking Rules Updated
ranking_rules.proximity_position Position of the proximity ranking rule if any, otherwise null 3 Settings Updated, Ranking Rules Updated
ranking_rules.attribute_position Position of the attribute ranking rule if any, otherwise null 4 Settings Updated, Ranking Rules Updated
ranking_rules.sort_position Position of the sort ranking rule if any, otherwise null. 5 Settings Updated, Ranking Rules Updated
ranking_rules.exactness_position Position of the exactness ranking rule if any, otherwise null. 6 Settings Updated, Ranking Rules Updated
ranking_rules.values A string representing the ranking rules without the custom asc-desc rules. "words, typo, attribute, sort, exactness" Settings Updated, Ranking Rules Updated
sortable_attributes.total Number of sortable attributes 3 Settings Updated, SortableAttributes Updated
sortable_attributes.has_geo true if _geo is set as a sortable attribute, otherwise false true Settings Updated, SortableAttributes Updated
filterable_attributes.total Number of filterable attributes 3 Settings Updated, FilterableAttributes Updated
filterable_attributes.has_geo true if _geo is set as a filterable attribute, otherwise false false Settings Updated, FilterableAttributes Updated
searchable_attributes.total Number of searchable attributes 4 Settings Updated, SearchableAttributes Updated
searchable_attributes.with_wildcard true if * is specified as a searchable attribute, otherwise false. false Settings Updated, SearchableAttributes Updated
typo_tolerance.enabled Whether the typo tolerance is enabled true Settings Updated, TypoTolerance Updated
typo_tolerance.disable_on_attributes true if at least one value is defined false Settings Updated, TypoTolerance Updated
typo_tolerance.disable_on_words true if at least one value is defined false Settings Updated, TypoTolerance Updated
typo_tolerance.min_word_size_for_typos.one_typo The defined value for minWordSizeForTypos.oneTypo property 5 Settings Updated, TypoTolerance Updated
typo_tolerance.min_word_size_for_typos.two_typos The defined value for minWordSizeForTypos.twoTypos property 9 Settings Updated, TypoTolerance Updated
pagination.max_total_hits The defined value for pagination.maxTotalHits property 1000 Settings Updated, Pagination Updated
faceting.max_values_per_facet The defined value for faceting.maxValuesPerFacet property 100 Settings Updated, Faceting Updated
faceting.sort_facet_values_by_star_count Whether the user set all fields to be sort by count true Settings Updated, Faceting Updated
faceting.sort_facet_values_by_total The number of different values that were set 10 Settings Updated, Faceting Updated
distinct_attribute.set true if a field name is specified as a distrinct attribute, otherwise false. false Settings Updated, DistinctAttribute Updated
proximity_precision.set true the setting has been manually set, otherwise false. false Settings Updated, ProximityPrecision Updated
proximity_precision.value byWord or byAttribute if the setting has been set, otherwise null. null Settings Updated, ProximityPrecision Updated
displayed_attributes.total Number of displayed attributes. 3 SettingUpdated, DisplayedAttributes Updated
displayed_attributes.with_wildcard true if * is specified as a displayed attribute, otherwise false. false SettingUpdated, DisplayedAttributes Updated
stop_words.total Number of stop words. 3 Settings Updated, StopWords Updated
separator_tokens.total Number of separator tokens. 3 Settings Updated, SeparatorTokens Updated
non_separator_tokens.total Number of non separator tokens. 3 Settings Updated, NonSeparatorTokens Updated
dictionary.total Number of words in the dictionary. 3 Settings Updated, Dictionary Updated
synonyms.total Number of synonyms. 3 Settings Updated, Synonyms Updated
per_task_uid true if an uid is used to fetch a particular task resource, otherwise false true Tasks Seen
filtered_by_uid true if tasks are filtered by the uids query parameter, otherwise false false Tasks Seen, Tasks Canceled, Tasks Deleted
filtered_by_index_uid true if tasks are filtered by the indexUids query parameter, otherwise false false Tasks Seen, Tasks Canceled, Tasks Deleted
filtered_by_type true if tasks are filtered by the types query parameter, otherwise false false Tasks Seen, Tasks Canceled, Tasks Deleted
filtered_by_status true if tasks are filtered by the statuses query parameter, otherwise false false Tasks Seen, Tasks Canceled, Tasks Deleted
filtered_by_canceled_by true if tasks are filtered by the canceledBy query parameter, otherwise false false Tasks Seen, Tasks Canceled, Tasks Deleted
filtered_by_before_enqueued_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeEnqueuedAt query parameter, otherwise false false Tasks Seen, Tasks Canceled, Tasks Deleted
filtered_by_after_enqueued_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterEnqueuedAt query parameter, otherwise false false Tasks Seen, Tasks Canceled, Tasks Deleted
filtered_by_before_started_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeStartedAt query parameter, otherwise false false Tasks Seen, Tasks Canceled, Tasks Deleted
filtered_by_after_started_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterStartedAt query parameter, otherwise false false Tasks Seen, Tasks Canceled, Tasks Deleted
filtered_by_before_finished_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeFinishedAt query parameter, otherwise false false Tasks Seen, Tasks Canceled, Tasks Deleted
filtered_by_after_finished_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterFinishedAt query parameter, otherwise false false Tasks Seen, Tasks Canceled, Tasks Deleted
per_index_uid true if an uid is used to fetch an index stat resource, otherwise false false Stats Seen
searches.avg_search_count The average number of search queries received per call for the aggregated event. 4.2 Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST
searches.total_search_count The total number of search queries received for the aggregated event. 16023 Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST
indexes.avg_distinct_index_count The average number of queried indexes received per call for the aggregated event. 1.2 Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST
indexes.total_distinct_index_count The total number of distinct indexes queries for the aggregated event. 6023 Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST
indexes.total_single_index The total number of calls where only one index where queried. 2007 Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST
swap_operation_number The number of swap operation given in POST /swap-indexes API call 2 Indexes Swapped
matching_strategy.most_used_strategy Most used word matching strategy among all search requests in this batch last Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET
per_document_id true if DELETE /indexes/:indexUid/documents/:documentUid endpoint was used in this batch, otherwise false false Documents Deleted
per_batch true if POST /indexes/:indexUid/documents/delete-batch endpoint was used in this batch, otherwise false false Documents Deleted
per_filter true if POST /indexes/:indexUid/documents/delete endpoint was used in this batch, otherwise false false Documents Fetched GET, Documents Fetched POST, Documents Deleted
clear_all true if DELETE /indexes/:indexUid/documents endpoint was used in this batch, otherwise false false Documents Deleted
vector_store Whether the vector store feature is enabled. true Experimental features Updated
scoring.show_ranking_score Was showRankingScore used in the aggregated event? If yes, true, otherwise false false Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET, Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST
scoring.show_ranking_score_details Was showRankingScoreDetails used in the aggregated event? If yes, true, otherwise false false Documents Searched POST, Documents Searched GET, Documents Searched GET
facets.total_distinct_facet_count The total number of distinct facets queried for the aggregated event 3 Facet Searched POST
facets.additional_search_parameters_provided Were additional search parameters provided for the aggregated event true Facet Searched POST

# Detailed list of Instance metrics and, events with their metrics

# System Configuration system

This property allows us to gather essential information to better understand on which type of machine MeiliSearch is used. This allows us to better advise users on the machines to choose according to their data volume and their use-cases.

Property name Description Example
system.distribution Distribution on which MeiliSearch is launched Arch Linux
system.kernel_version Kernel version on which MeiliSearch is launched 5.14.10-arch1-1
system.cores Number of cores 24
system.ram_size Total RAM capacity. Expressed in KB 33604210
system.disk_size Total capacity of the largest disk. Expressed in Bytes 336042103
system.server_provider Users can tell us on which provider MeiliSearch is hosted by filling the MEILI_SERVER_PROVIDER env var. This is also filled by our providers deploy scripts. e.g. GCP cloud-config.yaml (opens new window) gcp
# MeiliSearch Configuration context and infos
Property name Description Example
context.app.version MeiliSearch version number. Sent in a context object instead of properties to match Amplitude requirement 0.23.0
infos.env Value of --env/MEILI_ENV production
infos.db_path true if --db-path/MEILI_DB_PATH is specified, otherwise false true
infos.import_dump true if --import-dump is specified, otherwise false true
infos.dump_dir true if --dump-dir/MEILI_DUMP_DIR is specified, otherwise false true
infos.ignore_missing_dump true if --ignore-missing-dump is specified to true, otherwise false true
infos.ignore_dump_if_db_exists true if --ignore-dump-if-db-exists is specified to true, otherwise false true
infos.import_snapshot true if --import-snapshot is specified, otherwise false true
infos.schedule_snapshot Value of --schedule_snapshot/MEILI_SCHEDULE_SNAPSHOT if scheduled snapshots are enabled, otherwise None 86400
infos.snapshot_dir true if --snapshot-dir/MEILI_SNAPSHOT_DIR is specified to true, otherwise false true
infos.ignore_missing_snapshot true if --ignore-missing-snapshot is specified to true, otherwise false true
infos.ignore_snapshot_if_db_exists true if --ignore-snapshot-if-db-exists is specified to true, otherwise false true
infos.http_addr true if --http-addr/MEILI_HTTP_ADDR is specified, otherwise false true
infos.http_payload_size_limit Value of --http-payload-size-limit/MEILI_HTTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT in bytes 336042103
infos.log_level Value of --log-level/MEILI_LOG_LEVEL debug
infos.max_indexing_memory Value of --max-indexing-memory/MEILI_MAX_INDEXING_MEMORY in bytes 336042103
infos.max_indexing_threads Value of --max-indexing-threads/MEILI_MAX_INDEXING_THREADS in integer 4
infos.ssl_auth_path true if --ssl-auth-path/MEILI_SSL_AUTH_PATH is specified, otherwise false false
infos.ssl_cert_path true if --ssl-cert-path/MEILI_SSL_CERT_PATH is specified, otherwise false false
infos.ssl_key_path true if --ssl-key-path/MEILI_SSL_KEY_PATH is specified, otherwise false false
infos.ssl_ocsp_path true if --ssl-ocsp-path/MEILI_SSL_OCSP_PATH is specified, otherwise false false
infos.ssl_require_auth Value of --ssl-require-auth/MEILI_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTH as a boolean false
infos.ssl_resumption true if --ssl-resumption/MEILI_SSL_RESUMPTION is specified, otherwise false false
infos.ssl_tickets true if --ssl-tickets/MEILI_SSL_TICKETS is specified, otherwise false false
infos.with_configuration_file true if the instance is launched with a configuration file, otherwise false false
infos.task_queue_webhook true if the instance is launched with a task queue webhook, otherwise false false
infos.experimental_enable_metrics true if --experimental-enable-metrics/MEILI_EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_METRICS is specified at launch, otherwise false false
infos.experimental_replication_parameters true if --experimental-replication-parameters/MEILI_EXPERIMENTAL_REPLICATION_PARAMETERS is specified at launch, otherwise false false
infos.experimental_logs_mode human or json depending on the value specified. human
infos.experimental_enable_logs_route true if --experimental-enable-logs-route/MEILI_EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_LOGS_ROUTE is specified at launch, otherwise false false
infos.experimental_reduce_indexing_memory_usage true if --experimental-reduce-indexing-memory-usage/MEILI_EXPERIMENTAL_REDUCE_INDEXING_MEMORY_USAGE is specified at launch, otherwise false false
infos.gpu_enabled true if Meilisearch was compiled with CUDA support, otherwise false false
# MeiliSearch Statistics stats
Property name Description Example
stats.database_size Database size. Expressed in Bytes 180230
stats.indexes_number Number of indexes 2
stats.documents_number Number of indexed documents 165847
start_since_days Number of days since instance was launched 328

# Launched

This is the first event sent to mark that MeiliSearch is launched a first time.

# Documents Searched POST

The Documents Searched event is sent once an hour or when a batch reaches the maximum size of 500kb. The event's properties are averaged over all requests on POST - /indexes/:indexUid/search.

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents all the user-agents encountered on this endpoint in the aggregated event. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
requests.99th_response_time The maximum latency, in ms, for the fastest 99% of succeeded requests in the aggregated event. 57ms
requests.total_succeeded The total number of succeeded search requests in the aggregated event. 3456
requests.total_failed The total number of failed search requests in the aggregated event. 24
requests.total_received The total number of received search requests in the aggregated event. 3480
sort.with_geoPoint Does the built-in sort rule _geoPoint rule has been used in the aggregated event? true
sort.avg_criteria_number The average number of sort criteria among all the requests containing the sort parameter in the aggregated event. "sort": [] equals to 0 while not sending sort does not influence the average. 2
filter.with_geoRadius Does the built-in filter rule _geoRadius has been used in the aggregated event? false
filter.with_geoBoundingBox Does the built-in filter rule _geoBoundingBox has been used in the aggregated event? false
filter.avg_criteria_number The average number of filter criteria among all the requests containing the filter parameter in the aggregated event. "filter": [] equals to 0 while not sending filter does not influence the average in the aggregated event. 4
filter.most_used_syntax The most used filter syntax among all the requests containing the requests containing the filter parameter in the aggregated event. string / array / mixed mixed
attributes_to_search_on.total_number_of_uses Total number of queries where attributesToSearchOn is set 5
q.max_terms_number The maximum number of terms for the q parameter among all requests in the aggregated event. 5
vector.max_vector_size The maximum number of dimensions for the vector parameter among all requests in the aggregated event. 1536
pagination.max_limit The maximum limit encountered among all requests in the aggregated event. 20
pagination.max_offset The maximum offset encountered among all requests in the aggregated event. 1000
pagination.most_used_navigation Most used search results navigation among all requests in the aggregated event. estimated / exhaustive estimated
formatting.max_attributes_to_retrieve The maximum number of attributes to retrieve encountered among all requests in the aggregated event. 100
formatting.max_attributes_to_highlight The maximum number of attributes to highlight encountered among all requests in the aggregated event. 100
formatting.highlight_pre_tag Does highlightPreTag has been used in the aggregated event? If yes, true otherwise false false
formatting.highlight_post_tag Does highlightPostTag has been used in the aggregated event? If yes, true otherwise false false
formatting.max_attributes_to_crop The maximum number of attributes to crop encountered among all requests in the aggregated event. 100
formatting.crop_length Does cropLength has been used in the aggregated event? If yes, true otherwise false false
formatting.crop_marker Does cropMarker has been used in the aggregated event? If yes, true otherwise false false
formatting.show_matches_position Was showMatchesPosition used in the aggregated event? If yes, true otherwise false false
facets.avg_facets_number The average number of facets among all the requests containing the facets parameter in the aggregated event. "facets": [] equals to 0 while not sending facets does not influence the average in the aggregated event. 10
matching_strategy.most_used_strategy Most used word matching strategy among all search requests in the aggregated event. last / all last
scoring.show_ranking_score Was showRankingScore used in the aggregated event? If yes, true, otherwise false false
scoring.show_ranking_score_details Was showRankingScoreDetails used in the aggregated event? If yes, true, otherwise false false

# Documents Searched GET

The Documents Searched event is sent once an hour or when a batch reaches the maximum size of 500kb. The event's properties are averaged over all requests on GET - /indexes/:indexUid/search.

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents all the user-agents encountered on this endpoint in the aggregated event. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
requests.99th_response_time Highest latency from among the fastest 99% of successful search requests. 57ms
requests.total_succeeded The total number of succeeded search requests in the aggregated event. 3456
requests.total_failed The total number of failed search requests in the aggregated event. 24
requests.total_received The total number of received search requests in the aggregated event. 3480
sort.with_geoPoint Does the built-in sort rule _geoPoint rule has been used in the aggregated event? true
sort.avg_criteria_number The average number of sort criteria among all the requests containing the sort parameter in the aggregated event. "sort": [] equals to 0 while not sending sort does not influence the average. 2
filter.with_geoRadius Does the built-in filter rule _geoRadius has been used in the aggregated event? false
filter.with_geoBoundingBox Does the built-in filter rule _geoBoundingBox has been used in the aggregated event? false
filter.avg_criteria_number The average number of filter criteria among all the requests containing the filter parameter in the aggregated event. "filter": [] equals to 0 while not sending filter does not influence the average in the aggregated event. 4
filter.most_used_syntax The most used filter syntax among all the requests containing the requests containing the filter parameter in the aggregated event. string / array / mixed mixed
attributes_to_search_on.total_number_of_uses Total number of queries where attributesToSearchOn is set 5
q.max_terms_number The maximum number of terms for the q parameter among all requests in the aggregated event. 5
pagination.max_limit The maximum limit encountered among all requests in the aggregated event. 20
pagination.max_offset The maximum offset encountered among all requests in the aggregated event. 1000
pagination.most_used_navigation Most used search results navigation among all requests in the aggregated event. estimated / exhaustive estimated
formatting.max_attributes_to_retrieve The maximum number of attributes to retrieve encountered among all requests in the aggregated event. 100
formatting.max_attributes_to_highlight The maximum number of attributes to highlight encountered among all requests in the aggregated event. 100
formatting.highlight_pre_tag Does highlightPreTag has been used in the aggregated event? If yes, true otherwise false false
formatting.highlight_post_tag Does highlightPostTag has been used in the aggregated event? If yes, true otherwise false false
formatting.max_attributes_to_crop The maximum number of attributes to crop encountered among all requests in the aggregated event. 100
formatting.crop_length Does cropLength has been used in the aggregated event? If yes, true otherwise false false
formatting.crop_marker Does cropMarker has been used in the aggregated event? If yes, true otherwise false false
formatting.show_matches_position Does showMatchesPosition has been used in the aggregated event? If yes, true otherwise false false
facets.avg_facets_number The average number of facets among all the requests containing the facets parameter in the aggregated event. "facets": [] equals to 0 while not sending facets does not influence the average in the aggregated event. 10
matching_strategy.most_used_strategy Most used word matching strategy among all search requests in the aggregated event. last / all last
scoring.show_ranking_score Was showRankingScore used in the aggregated event? If yes, true, otherwise false false
scoring.show_ranking_score_details Was showRankingScoreDetails used in the aggregated event? If yes, true, otherwise false false

# Facet Searched POST

The Facet Searched event is sent once an hour or when a batch reaches the maximum size of 500kb. The event's properties are averaged over all requests on POST - /indexes/:indexUid/facet-search.

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents all the user-agents encountered on this endpoint in the aggregated event. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
requests.99th_response_time Highest latency from among the fastest 99% of successful search requests. 57ms
requests.total_succeeded The total number of succeeded search requests in the aggregated event. 3456
requests.total_failed The total number of failed search requests in the aggregated event. 24
requests.total_received The total number of received search requests in the aggregated event. 3480
facets.total_distinct_facet_count The total number of distinct facets queried for the aggregated event. 3
facets.additional_search_parameters_provided Were additional search parameters provided for the aggregated event. true

# Documents Searched by Multi-Search POST

The Documents Searched event is sent once an hour or when a batch reaches the maximum size of 500kb. The event's properties are averaged over all requests on POST - /multi-search.

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents all the user-agents encountered on this endpoint in the aggregated event. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
requests.total_succeeded The number of succeeded calls on the endpoint for the aggregated event. 3456
requests.total_failed The number of calls on the endpoint for the aggregated event. 24
requests.total_received The number of calls on the endpoint for the aggregated event. 3480
searches.avg_search_count The average number of search queries received per call for the aggregated event. 4.2
searches.total_search_count The total number of search queries received for the aggregated event. 16023
indexes.avg_distinct_index_count The average number of queried indexes received per call for the aggregated event. 1.2
indexes.total_distinct_index_count The total number of distinct indexes queries for the aggregated event. 6023
indexes.total_single_index The total number of calls where only one index where queried. 2007

# Index Created

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered for this API call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
primary_key The field's name used as a primary key if set, otherwise null. id

# Index Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered for this API call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
primary_key The field's name used as a primary key if set, otherwise null. id

# Indexes Swapped

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered for this API call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
swap_operation_number The number of swap operation given for this API call. 2

# Documents Added

The Documents Added event is sent once an hour or when a batch reaches the maximum size of 500kb. The event's properties are averaged over all requests on POST - /indexes/:indexUid/documents.

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents all the user-agents encountered on this endpoint in the aggregated event. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
payload_type Represents all the payload_type encountered on this endpoint in the aggregated event as a set. application/json/ application/x-ndjson/ text/plain or any non-supported content-type. [text/plain, application/json]
primary_key Represents all the primaryKey query parameters encountered in the aggregated event as a set, otherwise null. ["id"]
index_creation Does an index creation happened among all requests in the aggregated event? false

# Documents Updated

The Documents Updated event is sent once an hour or when a batch reaches the maximum size of 500kb. The event's properties are averaged over all requests on PUT - /indexes/:indexUid/documents.

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents all the user-agents encountered on this endpoint in the aggregated event. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
payload_type Represents all the payload_type encountered on this endpoint in the aggregated event as a set. application/json/ application/x-ndjson/ text/plain or any non-supported content-type. [text/plain, application/json]
primary_key Represents all the primaryKey query parameters encountered in the aggregated event as a set, otherwise null. ["id"]
index_creation Does an index creation happened among all requests in the aggregated event? false

# Documents Deleted

The Documents Deleted event is sent once an hour or when a batch reaches the maximum size of 500kb.

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents all the user-agents encountered on this endpoint in the aggregated event. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
requests.total_received The total number of received requests in the aggregated event. 3480
per_document_id true if DELETE /indexes/:indexUid/documents/:documentUid endpoint is called in the aggregated event, otherwise false false
clear_all true if DELETE /indexes/:indexUid/documents endpoint is called in the aggregated event, otherwise false false
per_batch true if POST /indexes/:indexUid/documents/delete-batch endpoint is called in the aggregated event, otherwise false false
per_filter true if POST /indexes/:indexUid/documents/delete endpoint is called in the aggregated event, otherwise false false

# Documents Fetched GET

The Documents Fetched GET event is sent once an hour or when a batch reaches the maximum size of 500kb.

Property name Description Example
requests.total_received Total number of request received in this batch 325
per_document_id true if GET /indexes/:indexUid/documents/:doc_id endpoint was used in this batch, otherwise false false
per_filter true if GET /indexes/:indexUid/documents endpoint was used with a filter in this batch, otherwise false false
pagination.max_limit Highest value given for the limit parameter in this batch 60
pagination.max_offset Highest value given for the offset parameter in this batch 1000

# Documents Fetched POST

The Documents Fetched POST event is sent once an hour or when a batch reaches the maximum size of 500kb.

Property name Description Example
requests.total_received Total number of request received in this batch 325
per_document_id false false
per_filter true if POST /indexes/:indexUid/documents/fetch endpoint was used with a filter in this batch, otherwise false false
pagination.max_limit Highest value given for the limit parameter in this batch 60
pagination.max_offset Highest value given for the offset parameter in this batch 1000

# Settings Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
searchable_attributes.total Number of searchable attributes. 3
searchable_attributes.with_wildcard true if * is specified as a searchable attribute, otherwise false. false
ranking_rules.words_position Position of the words ranking rule if any, otherwise null 1
ranking_rules.typo_position Position of the typo ranking rule if any, otherwise null 2
ranking_rules.proximity_position Position of the proximity ranking rule if any, otherwise null 3
ranking_rules.attribute_position Position of the attribute ranking rule if any, otherwise null 4
ranking_rules.sort_position Position of the sort ranking rule if any, otherwise null. 5
ranking_rules.exactness_position Position of the exactness ranking rule if any, otherwise null. 6
ranking_rules.values A string representing the ranking rules without the custom asc-desc rules. "words, typo, attribute, sort, exactness"
sortable_attributes.total Number of sortable attributes. 3
sortable_attributes.has_geo Indicate if _geo is set as a sortable attribute. false
filterable_attributes.total Number of filterable attributes. 3
filterable_attributes.has_geo Indicate if _geo is set as a filterable attribute. false
typo_tolerance.enabled Whether the typo tolerance is enabled. true
typo_tolerance.disable_on_attributes true if at least one value is defined for disableOnAttributes property. false
typo_tolerance.disable_on_words true if at least one value is defined for disableOnWords property. false
typo_tolerance.min_word_size_for_typos.one_typo The defined value for minWordSizeForTypos.oneTypo property. 5
typo_tolerance.min_word_size_for_typos.two_typos The defined value for minWordSizeForTypos.twoTypos property. 9
pagination.max_total_hits The defined value for pagination.maxTotalHits property 1000
faceting.max_values_per_facet The defined value for faceting.maxValuesPerFacet property 100
faceting.sort_facet_values_by_star_count Whether the user set all fields to be sort by count true
faceting.sort_facet_values_by_total The number of different values that were set 10
distinct_attribute.set true if a field name is specified, otherwise false. false
proximity_precision.set true the setting has been manually set, otherwise false. false
proximity_precision.value byWord or byAttribute if the setting has been set, otherwise null. null
displayed_attributes.total Number of displayed attributes. 3
displayed_attributes.with_wildcard true if * is specified as a displayed attribute, otherwise false. false
stop_words.total Number of stop words. 3
separator_tokens.total Number of separator tokens. 3
non_separator_tokens.total Number of non separator tokens. 3
dictionary.total Number of words in the dictionary. 3
synonyms.total Number of synonyms. 3

# RankingRules Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
ranking_rules.words_position Position of the words ranking rule if any, otherwise null 1
ranking_rules.typo_position Position of the typo ranking rule if any, otherwise null 2
ranking_rules.proximity_position Position of the proximity ranking rule if any, otherwise null 3
ranking_rules.attribute_position Position of the attribute ranking rule if any, otherwise null 4
ranking_rules.sort_position Position of the sort ranking rule if any, otherwise null. 5
ranking_rules.exactness_position Position of the exactness ranking rule if any, otherwise null. 6
ranking_rules.values A string representing the ranking rules without the custom asc-desc rules. "words, typo, attribute, sort, exactness"

# SortableAttributes Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
sortable_attributes.total Number of sortable attributes. 3
sortable_attributes.has_geo Indicate if _geo is set as a sortable attribute. false

# FilterableAttributes Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
filterable_attributes.total Number of filterable attributes. 3
filterable_attributes.has_geo Indicate if _geo is set as a filterable attribute. false

# SearchableAttributes Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
searchable_attributes.total Number of searchable attributes. 3
searchable_attributes.with_wildcard true if * is specified as a searchable attribute, otherwise false. false

# TypoTolerance Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
typo_tolerance.enabled Whether the typo tolerance is enabled true
typo_tolerance.disable_on_attributes true if at least one value is defined for disableOnAttributes property. false
typo_tolerance.disable_on_words true if at least one value is defined for disableOnWords property. false
typo_tolerance.min_word_size_for_typos.one_typo The defined value for minWordSizeForTypos.oneTypo property. 5
typo_tolerance.min_word_size_for_typos.two_typos The defined value for minWordSizeForTypos.twoTypos property. 9

# Pagination Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
pagination.max_total_hits The defined value for maxTotalHits property 1000

# Faceting Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
faceting.max_values_per_facet The defined value for maxValuesPerFacet property 100
faceting.sort_facet_values_by_star_count Whether the user set all fields to be sort by count true
faceting.sort_facet_values_by_total The number of different values that were set 10

# DistinctAttribute Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
distinct_attribute.set true if a field name is specified, otherwise false. false

# ProximityPrecision Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
proximity_precision.set true the setting has been manually set, otherwise false. false
proximity_precision.value byWord or byAttribute if the setting has been set, otherwise null. byWord

# DisplayedAttributes Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
displayed_attributes.total Number of displayed attributes. 3
displayed_attributes.with_wildcard true if * is specified as a displayed attribute, otherwise false. false

# StopWords Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
stop_words.total Number of stop words. 3

# SeparatorTokens Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
separator_tokens.total Number of separator tokens. 3

# NonSeparatorTokens Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
non_separator_tokens.total Number of non separator tokens. 3

# Dictionary Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
dictionary.total Number of words in the dictionary. 3

# Synonyms Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
synonyms.total Number of synonyms. 3

# Dump Created

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]

# Snapshot Created

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]

# Tasks Seen

The Tasks Seen event is sent once an hour or when a batch reaches the maximum size of 500Kb.

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this endpoint in the aggregated event. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
requests.total_received The total number of received requests in the aggregated event. 3480
per_task_uid true if an uid is used to fetch a particular task resource, otherwise false true
filtered_by_uid true if tasks are filtered by the uids query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_index_uid true if tasks are filtered by the indexUids query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_type true if tasks are filtered by the types query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_status true if tasks are filtered by the statuses query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_canceled_by true if tasks are filtered by the canceledBy query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_before_enqueued_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeEnqueuedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_after_enqueued_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterEnqueuedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_before_started_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeStartedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_after_started_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterStartedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_before_finished_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeFinishedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_after_finished_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterFinishedAt query parameter, otherwise false false

# Tasks Canceled

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
filtered_by_uid true if tasks are filtered by the uids query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_index_uid true if tasks are filtered by the indexUids query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_type true if tasks are filtered by the types query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_status true if tasks are filtered by the statuses query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_canceled_by true if tasks are filtered by the canceledBy query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_before_enqueued_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeEnqueuedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_after_enqueued_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterEnqueuedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_before_started_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeStartedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_after_started_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterStartedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_before_finished_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeFinishedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_after_finished_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterFinishedAt query parameter, otherwise false false

# Tasks Deleted

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
filtered_by_uid true if tasks are filtered by the uids query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_index_uid true if tasks are filtered by the indexUids query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_type true if tasks are filtered by the types query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_status true if tasks are filtered by the statuses query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_canceled_by true if tasks are filtered by the canceledBy query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_before_enqueued_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeEnqueuedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_after_enqueued_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterEnqueuedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_before_started_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeStartedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_after_started_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterStartedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_before_finished_at true if tasks are filtered by the beforeFinishedAt query parameter, otherwise false false
filtered_by_after_finished_at true if tasks are filtered by the afterFinishedAt query parameter, otherwise false false

# Stats Seen

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
per_index_uid true if an uid is used to fetch an index stat resource, otherwise false true

# Health Seen

The Health Seen event is sent once an hour or when a batch reaches the maximum size of 500kb.

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents all the user-agents encountered on this endpoint in the aggregated event. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
requests.total_received The total number of received requests in the aggregated event. 3480

# Version Seen

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]

# Experimental features Seen

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]

# Experimental features Updated

Property name Description Example
user_agent Represents the user-agent encountered on this call. ["Meilisearch Ruby (v2.1)", "Ruby (3.0)"]
vector_store Whether the vector store feature is enabled. true

# User-interface

Analytics are enabled by default while leaving the option for users to disable it with the --no-analytics option.

Message displayed on the CLI at launch if analytics are enabled

Thank you for using MeiliSearch!

We collect anonymized analytics to improve our product and your experience. To learn more, including how to turn off analytics, visit our dedicated documentation page: https://docs.meilisearch.com/learn/what_is_meilisearch/telemetry.html.

Anonymous telemetry: "Enabled"

Instance UID: ":uidGeneratedAtFirstLaunch"

Message displayed on the CLI at launch if analytics are disabled after being activated

The unique identifier of the instance remains displayed even if analytics are disabled so that it does not reactivate the analytics to obtain it after having stopped it. The user can still ask us to remove the data previously collected by giving us his Instance UID.

Thank you for using MeiliSearch!

Anonymous telemetry: "Disabled"

Instance UID: ":uidGeneratedAtFirstLaunch"

Message displayed on the CLI at launch if analytics are disabled at first launch

Thank you for using MeiliSearch!

Anonymous telemetry: "Disabled"

# 2. Technical Aspects

# I. Technical Details

# User-Agent case

The User-Agent header is tracked on the events listed below. Our official SDKs/integrations should always contain MeiliSearch in their names.

Each endpoint API tracked sends the User-Agent as a user_agent event property as an array. If several values are contained in the User-Agent header, they are split by the ; character.

# X-Meilisearch-Client Header

Some browser engines prevent overloading the User-Agent header. To track the calls made by some clients concerned by this fact, e.g. the JavaScript SDK, it is possible to use the X-Meilisearch-Client custom header.

If the X-Meilisearch-Client is encountered, it overrides the presence of the User-Agent header.

# Telemetry Endpoint

Telemetric data are sent to the domain telemetry.meilisearch.com which then redirects it to Segment.

This transit domain allows us to change the telemetry collection solution in the future without impacting older versions of Meilisearch.

# Identifying MeiliSearch installation

To identify instances, we generate a unique identifier at first launch if analytics are not disabled.

  • This unique identifier is inserted in the data.ms folder to be kept in case of version upgrades.
  • A file named following the given pattern :MeiliSearchData.msPath-:instanceUid is generated in a MeiliSearch folder to recover an identifier in case of corruption of the data.ms folder, causing it to be deleted and recreated. This MeiliSearch folder is created in the config_dir of each platform.
Directory Windows Linux/*BSD macOS
config_dir %APPDATA% (C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming) $XDG_CONFIG_HOME (~/.config) ~/Library/Application Support
# Segment Identify Call

The identify method of Segment permits identifying an instance by sending a unique identifier. It groups the information of a MeiliSearch binary such as system, stats, and general properties related below in this specification.

The segment identify call is only sent after the first hour if the instance is still running. At the first launch, MeiliSearch sends a Launched event on an instance ID equal to total_launch in order to avoid tracking instances usage for nothing when they could be shut down and never restarted.

# Segment Track Call

The track calls of Segment allow tracking the events passed on the instance.

# Batching

A batch is sent every hour or when it reaches the maximum size of 500Kb to avoid sending analytics in real-time and preserve network exchanges.

This batch contains an identify payload and all tracked events that occurred during this hour.

# Logging

Errors occurring when sending metrics to Segment should be silent. In general, the impact of data collection should be minimized as much as possible concerning performance and be entirely transparent for the user during its use.

# Debug build

In debug build, no analytics are collected.

# 3. Future possibilities
