# Documents API

# 1. Summary

This specification describes the documents API endpoints permitting to list, fetch, add/replace, and delete index documents.

It is an API dedicated to document management within the Meilisearch index.

# 2. Motivation


# 3. Functional Specification

Documents are objects composed of fields that can store any type of data. Each field contains an attribute and its associated value.

Documents are stored inside indexes.

# 3.1. API Endpoints Definition

Manipulate documents of a Meilisearch index.

# 3.1.1. (Fetch Documents) - GET - indexes/:index_uid/documents and POST - `indexes/:index_uid/documents/fetch

Meilisearch exposes 2 routes to get the documents:

  • GET indexes/:index_uid/documents, which gets its parameters as query parameters.
  • POST indexes/:index_uid/documents/fetch, which gets its parameters in a JSON payload.

List all documents of a Meilisearch index.

The query parameters offset and limit permit browsing through all documents of an index.

Meilisearch orders documents depending on the order they were inserted in the db.

# Path Parameters
Parameters Type Required
index_uid String true
# index_uid
  • Type: String
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of an index.

# Parameters

The following parameters need to be send as:

  • Query parameter for the GET - indexes/:index_uid/documents route.
  • JSON body for the POSTindexes/:index_uid/documents/fetch` route.
Field Type Required
offset Integer false
limit Integer false
fields Array of Strings / null false
filter filter / null false

In the case of the query parameter, as always, the filter can only be a string, while it can be either a string, an array of strings, or an array of array of strings for the JSON body.

# offset
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: False
  • Default: 0

Sets the starting point in the results, effectively skipping over a given number of documents.

# limit
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: False
  • Default: 20

Sets the maximum number of documents to be returned by the current request.

# fields
  • Type: Array of Strings
  • Required: False
  • Default: *

Configures which attributes will be retrieved in the returned documents.

If fields is not specified, all attributes from the documents are returned in the response. It's equivalent to fields=*.

  • Sending fields without specifying a value, returns empty documents ressources. fields=.
  • Sending fields with a non-existent field as part of the value will not return an error, the non-existent field will not be displayed.

fields values are case-sensitive.

Specified fields have to be separated by a comma. e.g. &fields=title,description

The index setting displayedAttributes has no impact on this endpoint.

# filter
  • Type: String | Array of array of Strings
  • Required: False
  • Default: null

Refine the results by selecting documents that match the given filter. In the case of the POST route, it is possible to send the filter in the form of an array of array of strings akin to the search route.

Attributes used as filter criteria must be added to the filterableAttributes list of an index settings. See Filterable Attributes Setting API.

# Response Definition

A results array representing documents as JSON objects.

Field Type Required
results Array[Document] true
offset Integer true
limit Integer true
total Integer true
# results
  • Type: Array[Document]
  • Required: True

An array containing the fetched documents.

# offset
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: True

Gives the offset parameter used for the query.

See offset section.

# limit
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: True

Gives the limit parameter used for the query.

See limit section.

# total
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: True

Gives the total number of documents that can be browsed in the related index.

# Example
  "results": [
      "id": 25684,
      "title": "American Ninja 5"
      "id": 468219,
      "title": "Dead in a Week (Or Your Money Back)"
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 2,
  "total": 3 //The index contains 3 documents in total
# Errors
  • 🔴 Sending an invalid index uid format for the :index_uid path parameter returns an invalid_index_uid error.
  • 🔴 Sending a value with a different type than Integer or null for offset will return a invalid_document_offset error.
  • 🔴 Sending a value with a different type than Integer or null for limit will return a invalid_document_limit error.
  • 🔴 Sending a value with a different type than String or null for fields will return a invalid_document_fields error.
  • 🔴 Sending a value with a different type than String, Array of strings, Array of array of strings or null for filter will return a invalid_document_filter error.

# 3.1.2. GET - indexes/:index_uid/documents/:document_id

Get a document using its unique id.

# Path Parameters
Parameters Type Required
index_uid String true
document_id String / null true
# index_uid
  • Type: String
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of an index.

# document_id
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of a document.

# Query Parameters
Field Type Required
fields String / null false
# fields
  • Type: String
  • Required: False
  • Default: *

Configures which attributes will be retrieved in the returned documents.

If fields is not specified, all attributes from the documents are returned in the response. It's equivalent to fields=*.

  • Sending fields without specifying a value, returns empty documents ressources. fields=.
  • Sending fields with a non-existent field as part of the value will not return an error, the non-existent field will not be displayed.

fields values are case-sensitive.

Specified fields have to be separated by a comma. e.g. &fields=title,description

The index setting displayedAttributes has no impact on this endpoint.

# Request Payload Definition


# Response Definition

A document represented as a JSON object.

# Example
  "id": 25684,
  "title": "American Ninja 5",
  "poster": "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w1280/iuAQVI4mvjI83wnirpD8GVNRVuY.jpg",
  "overview": "When a scientists daughter is kidnapped, American Ninja, attempts to find her, but this time he teams up with a youngster he has trained in the ways of the ninja.",
  "release_date": "1993-01-01"
# Errors
  • 🔴 Sending an invalid index uid format for the :index_uid path parameter returns an invalid_index_uid error.
  • 🔴 If the requested index_uid does not exist, the API returns an index_not_found error.
  • 🔴 If the requested document_id does not exist, the API returns an document_not_found error.
  • 🔴 Sending a value with a different type than String or null for fields will return a invalid_document_fields error.

# 3.1.3. Documents Body Special Properties

While the body of a document can contain any pair of keys and values, Meilisearch uses specific key names to leverage some search capabilities such as geo search and vector search.

Field Type Required
_geo String Object
_vectors EXPERIMENTAL Array of Float Array[Array of Float]
# _geo

Holds latitude and longitude geo coordinates for a document.

Refer to the geo search specification


Type: Array of Float | Array[Array of Float] Required: False

Holds a vectorized representation of a document. It is possible to send either one or several vectorized representations of the same document.

  • 🔴 Sending a value with a different type than Array of Float, Array[Array of Float] or null as a value for _vectors returns an invalid_document_vectors_field error.
  • 🔴 Sending a value for _vectors whose length differs from another document _vectors field returns an invalid_document_vectors_field error.

# 3.1.4. POST - indexes/:index_uid/documents

Add a list of documents or replace them if they already exist.

If the provided index does not exist, it will be created. See Lazy Index Creation

If an already existing document (same document id) is sent, the whole existing document will be overwritten by the new document.

Fields that are no longer present in the new document are removed.

This endpoint accepts various content-type:

# Path Parameters
Field Type Required
index_uid String True
# index_uid
  • Type: String
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of an index.

# Request Payload Definition
Field Type Required
primaryKey String False
# primaryKey
  • Type: String
  • Required: False
  • Default: null

Allows to bypass the auto-inference mechanism of the document identifiers.

By default, the primaryKey will be chosen by the auto-inference mechanism by the engine when a first document is indexed.

Specifying this field tells the engine to use the document attribute specified in primaryKey and bypasses this mechanism.

When the index is empty, it is possible to modify the primaryKey.

If the index is not empty, the query parameter primaryKey is ignored.

# Response Definition

When the request is successful, Meilisearch returns the HTTP code 202 Accepted. The response's content is the summarized representation of the received asynchronous task.

See Summarized task Object for 202 Accepted.

# Errors
# Async Errors
  • 🔴 When Meilisearch is secured, if the API Key do not have the indexes.create action defined, the API returns an index_not_found error in the related asynchronous task resource. See Response Definition.
  • 🔴 When updating the primaryKey, if the previous primaryKey value has already been used for a document, the API returns an index_primary_key_already_exists error.
# Lazy Index Creation

If the requested index_uid does not exist, and the authorization layer allows it (See Async Errors), Meilisearch will create the index when the related asynchronous task resource is executed. See Response Definition.

# 3.1.5. PUT - indexes/:index_uid/documents

Add a list of documents or update them if they already exist.

If the provided index does not exist, it will be created. See Lazy Index Creation

If an already existing document (same identifier) is set, the old document will be only partially updated according to the fields of the new document. Thus, any fields not present in the new document are kept and remain unchanged.

This endpoint accepts various content-type:

# Path Parameters
Field Type Required
index_uid String True
# index_uid
  • Type: String
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of an index.

# Query Parameters Definition
Field Type Required
primaryKey String False
# primaryKey
  • Type: String
  • Required: False
  • Default: null

Allows to bypass the auto-inference mechanism of the document identifiers.

By default, the primaryKey will be chosen by the auto-inference mechanism by the engine when a first document is indexed.

Specifying this field tells the engine to use the document attribute specified in primaryKey and bypasses this mechanism.

When the index is empty, it is possible to modify the primaryKey.

If the index is not empty, the query parameter primaryKey is ignored.

# Response Definition

When the request is successful, Meilisearch returns the HTTP code 202 Accepted. The response's content is the summarized representation of the received asynchronous task.

See Summarized task Object for 202 Accepted.

# Errors
# Async Errors
  • 🔴 When Meilisearch is secured, if the API Key do not have the indexes.create action defined, the API returns an index_not_found error in the related asynchronous task resource. See Response Definition.
  • 🔴 When updating the primaryKey, if the previous primaryKey value has already been used for a document, the API returns an index_primary_key_already_exists error.
# Lazy Index Creation

If the requested index_uid does not exist, and the authorization layer allows it (See Async Errors), Meilisearch will create the index when the related asynchronous task resource is executed. See Response Definition.

# 3.1.6. DELETE - indexes/:index_uid/documents

Delete all documents in the specified index.

# Path Parameters
Field Type Required
index_uid String true
# index_uid
  • Type: String
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of an index.

# Request Payload Definition


# Response Definition

When the request is successful, Meilisearch returns the HTTP code 202 Accepted. The response's content is the summarized representation of the received asynchronous task.

See Summarized task Object for 202 Accepted.

# Errors
  • 🔴 Sending an invalid index uid format for the :index_uid path parameter returns an invalid_index_uid error.
# Async Errors
  • 🔴 If the requested index_uid does not exist, the API returns an index_not_found error.

# 3.1.7. DELETE - indexes/:index_uid/documents/:document_id

Delete one document based on its unique id.

# Path Parameters
Field Type Required
index_uid String True
document_id String True
# index_uid
  • Type: String
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of an index.

# document_id
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of a document.

# Request Payload Definition


# Response Definition

When the request is successful, Meilisearch returns the HTTP code 202 Accepted. The response's content is the summarized representation of the received asynchronous task.

See Summarized task Object for 202 Accepted.

# Errors
  • 🔴 Sending an invalid index uid format for the :index_uid path parameter returns an invalid_index_uid error.
# Async Errors
  • 🔴 If the requested index_uid does not exist, the API returns an index_not_found error.

# 3.1.8. POST - indexes/:index_uid/documents/delete-batch

Delete a selection of documents based on array of document id's.

# Path Parameters
Field Type Required
index_uid String True
# index_uid
  • Type: String
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of an index.

# Request Payload Definition

An array of document ids to delete.

  • Type: Array
  • Required: True


[122, 1194, 2501]
# Response Definition

When the request is successful, Meilisearch returns the HTTP code 202 Accepted. The response's content is the summarized representation of the received asynchronous task with the type documentDeletion.

See Summarized task Object for 202 Accepted.

# Errors
# Async Errors
  • 🔴 If the requested index_uid does not exist, the API returns an index_not_found error.

# 3.1.9. POST - indexes/:index_uid/documents/delete

Delete a selection of documents based on a filter.

# Path Parameters
Field Type Required
index_uid String True
# index_uid
  • Type: String
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of an index.

# Request Payload Definition

A filter.

  • Type: String or array of array of strings
  • Required: True


  "filter": "doggo = 'bernese mountain'"
# Response Definition

When the request is successful, Meilisearch returns the HTTP code 202 Accepted. The response's content is the summarized representation of the received asynchronous task with the type documentDeletion.

See Summarized task Object for 202 Accepted.

# Errors
# Async Errors
  • 🔴 If the requested index_uid does not exist, the API returns an index_not_found error.

# 3.1.10. General Errors

These errors apply to all endpoints described here.

# Auth Errors

The auth layer can return the following errors if Meilisearch is secured (a master-key is defined).

  • 🔴 Accessing this route without the Authorization header returns a missing_authorization_header error.
  • 🔴 Accessing this route with a key that does not have permissions (i.e. other than the master-key) returns an invalid_api_key error.

# 4. Technical Details


# 5. Future Possibilities

  • Introduce a way to reject fields from a document in the response. e.g. ?fields=-createdAt