# Stats API

# 1. Summary

This specification describes the stats API endpoints.

Stats routes give information and metrics about indexes and the Meilisearch database.

# 2. Motivation


# 3. Functional Specification

# 3.1. API Endpoints Definition

See statistics of Meilisearch indexes.

# 3.1.1. GET - indexes/:index_uid/stats

Get stats of an index.

# Path Parameters
Parameters Type Required
index_uid String true
# index_uid
  • Type: String
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of an index.

# Request Payload Definition


# Response Definition
Field Type Required
numberOfDocuments Integer true
isIndexing Boolean true
fieldDistribution Object true
# numberOfDocuments
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: True

The total number of documents in the index.

# isIndexing
  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: True

If true, it indicates that the index is processing documents.

# fieldDistribution
  • Type: Object
  • Required: True

Lists every field in the index and the total number of documents in the index containing that field.

fieldDistribution is not impacted by searchableAttributes or displayedAttributes. If one of the fields is not displayed or searchable, it will still be displayed in the fieldDistribution object.

# Errors
  • 🔴 Sending an invalid index uid format for the :index_uid path parameter returns an invalid_index_uid error.
  • 🔴 If the requested index_uid does not exist, the API returns an index_not_found error.

# 3.1.2. GET - stats

Get stats for all indexes.

# Path Parameters
Parameter Type Required
index_uid String true
# index_uid
  • Type: String
  • Required: True

Unique identifier of an index.

# Response Definition

In addition to all fields returned by 3.1.1. GET - indexes/:index_uid/stats, this route returns the instance-level fields.

Field Type Required
databaseSize Integer true
lastUpdate String true
indexes Object true
# databaseSize
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: True

Size of the database in bytes. It represents the size on the disk of all the indexes.

# lastUpdate
  • Type: String
  • Required: True

The last update date time when the index was updated.

Represented wih the RFC 3339 format.

# indexes
  • Type: Object
  • Required: True

An object representing the statistics for each index found in the database.


  "databaseSize": 447819776,
  "lastUpdate": "2019-11-15T11:15:22.092896Z",
  "indexes": {
    "movies": {
      "numberOfDocuments": 19654,
      "isIndexing": false,
      "fieldDistribution": {
        "poster": 19654,
        "overview": 19654,
        "title": 19654,
        "id": 19654,
        "release_date": 19654

See Response Definition section for more details.

# Errors
  • 🔴 If the requested index_uid does not exist, the API returns an index_not_found error.

# 3.1.3. General Errors

These errors apply to all endpoints described here.

# Auth Errors

The auth layer can return the following errors if Meilisearch is secured (a master-key is defined).

  • 🔴 Accessing this route without the Authorization header returns a missing_authorization_header error.
  • 🔴 Accessing this route with a key that does not have permissions (i.e. other than the master-key) returns an invalid_api_key error.

# 4. Technical Details


# 5. Future Possibilities

  • Rename lastUpdate to updatedAt
  • Reconsider the existence of isIndexing