# Geosearch

# 1. Functional Specification

# I. Summary

The purpose of this specification is to add a first iteration of the geosearch feature to give geo-filtering and geosorting capabilities at search time.

# Summary Key points

  • Documents MUST have a _geo reserved object to be geosearchable.
  • Filter documents by a given geo radius using the built-in filter _geoRadius({lat}, {lng}, {distance_in_meters}).
  • Filter documents by a given geo bounding box using the built-in filter _geoBoundingBox([{lat}, {lng}], [{lat, lng}]). The first pair of coordinates represents the top right corner of the bounding box, while the second pair represents the bottom left corner.
  • It is possible to cumulate several geosearch filters within the filter field.
  • Sort documents in ascending/descending order around a geo point. e.g. _geoPoint({lat}, {lng}):asc.
  • It is possible to filter and/or sort by geographical criteria of the user's choice.
  • _geo must be set as a filterable attribute to use geo filtering capabilities.
  • _geo must be set as a sortable attribute to use geo sort capabilities.
  • There is no geo ranking rule that can be manipulated by the user. This one is automatically integrated in the ranking rule sort by default and activated by sorting using the _geoPoint({lat}, {lng}) built-in sort rule.
  • Using _geoPoint({lat}, {lng}) in the sort parameter at search leads the engine to return a _geoDistance within the search results. This field represents the distance in meters of the document from the specified _geoPoint.

# II. Motivation

According to our user feedback, the lack of a geosearch feature is mentioned as one of the biggest deal-breakers for choosing MeiliSearch as a search engine. A search engine must offer this feature. Some use cases specifically require integrated geosearch capabilities. Moreover, a lot of direct competitors offer it. Users today must find workarounds like using geohash to be able to geosearch documents. We hope to better serve the needs of users by implementing this feature. It allows multiplying the use-cases to which MeiliSearch can respond.

# III. Technical Explanations

# As a developer, I want to add geospatial coordinates to a document so that the document can be geosearchable.

  • Introduce a reserved field _geo for documents to store geo spatial data from an object made of lat and lng fields for a JSON format. If the _geo field is set to null, my document won't be geosearchable.
  • Introduce a reserved column _geo for documents to store geo spatial data from a string made of lat,lng for a CSV format.
# JSON Format

_geo field definition

  • Name: _geo
  • Type: Object
  • Format: {lat:number|string, lng:number|string}
  • Not required

💡 if _geo is found in the document payload, lat and lng are required. 💡 lat and lng must be of float value. 💡 lat and lng field type can be mixed. e.g. lat can be a string while lng is a number in the same _geo object.

# CSV Format

Following the format already defined in the https://github.com/meilisearch/specifications/pull/28/files specification for document indexing from a CSV format. A reserved column _geo can be added to specify the geographical coordinates of a document.

csv format example


_geo column definition

  • Name: _geo
  • Type: String
  • Format: "lat:float,lng:float"
  • Not required

# POST Add or replace documents /indexes/{indexUid}/documents

# Request body
        "id": 1,
        "label": "F40",
        "brand": "Ferrari",
        "_geo": {
            "lat": 48.862725,
            "lng": 2.287592
# 202 Accepted - Response body
    "updateId": 1

# PUT Add or replace documents /indexes/{indexUid}/documents

# Request body
        "id": 1,
        "brand": "F40 LM",
        "brand": "Ferrari",
        "_geo": {
            "lat": "48.862725",
            "lng": "2.287592"
# 202 Accepted - Response body
    "updateId": 2
  • 🔴 Giving a bad formed _geo that do not conform to the format causes the task payload to fail and returns an invalid_document_geo_field error.

# As an end-user, I want to filter documents within a geo radius.

  • Introduce a _geoRadius({lat}, {lng}, {distance_in_meters}) built-in filter rule to filter documents in a geo radius.shape.

_geoRadius built-in filter rule definition

  • Name: _geoRadius
  • Signature: ({lat:float}:required, {lng:float}:required, {distance_in_meters:int}:required)
  • Not required
  • distance_in_meters only accepts positive value.

The _geo field has to be set in filterableAttributes setting by the developer to activate geo filtering capabilities at search.

_geoBoundingBox built-in filter rule definition

  • Name: _geoBoundingBox
  • Signature: ([{lat:float}:required, {lng:float}:required)], [{lat:float}:required, {lng:float}:required])
  • Not required

The first pair of coordinates represents the top right corner of the bounding box, while the second pair represents the bottom left corner.

The _geo field has to be set in filterableAttributes setting by the developer to activate geo filtering capabilities at search.

...&filter="brand=Mercedes AND _geoRadius(48.862725, 2.287592, 2000)"`

# POST Search /indexes/{indexUid}/search

    "filter": ["brand = Ferrari", "_geoRadius(48.862725, 2.287592, 2000)"]

# As an end-user, I want to sort documents around a geo point.

  • Introduce a _geoPoint({lat}, {lng}) function parameter to sort documents around a central point.

_geoPoint built-in sort rule definition

  • Name: _geoPoint
  • Signature: ({lat:float}:required, {lng:float}:required)
  • Not required

Following the sort specification feature (opens new window):

The _geo field has to be set in sortableAttributes setting by the developer to activate geo sorting capabilities at search.

There is no geo ranking rule as such. It is in fact within the sort ranking rule in an obfuscated way.

_geoPoint built-in sort rule can sort documents in ascending/descending order.

# GET Search /indexes/{indexUid}/search

    ...&sort=_geoPoint({lat, lng}):asc,price:desc

# POST Search /indexes/{indexUid}/search

    "sort": "_geoPoint({lat, lng}):asc,price:desc"

# As an end-user, I want to know the document distance when I am sorting around a geo point.

  • Introduce a _geoDistance parameter to the search result hit object.

_geoDistance field definition

  • Name: _geoDistance
  • Description: Return document distance when the end-user sorts document from a _geoPoint in meters.
  • Type: int
  • Not required

💡 _geoDistance response field is only computed and shown when the end-user have sorted documents around a _geoPoint. So if the end-user filters documents using a _geoRadius/_geoBoundingBox built-in filter without sorting them around a _geoPoint, this field _geoDistance will not appear in the search response.

  • 🔴 Specifying a custom ranking rule with _geo, _geoDistance, _geoPoint, _geoRadius or _geoBoundinBox returns an invalid_settings_ranking_rules error.

# 2. Technical Aspects

# I. Measuring

  • filterableAttribute setting definition to evaluate _geo presence.
  • sortableAttribute setting definition to evaluate _geo presence.

# 3. Future Possibilities

  • Add built-in filter to filter documents within polygon.
  • Handling array of geo points in the document object.
  • Handling distance in other formats (like the imperial format). It's easy to implement on the user side though.
  • Handling position in other formats. It seems that degrees and minutes (opens new window) are also used a lot. It's easy to implement on the user side though.